Published Articles

Women Unite!

Women Unite!

Pete Stevenson chats to Mandy Barnes about an excellent Reclaim the Night event in the West Country. The streets were filled with the pulsating sound of drums and chants calling for an end to intimidation, harassment and violence against women. A cacophony of energy,...

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Stop the War National Roadshow

Stop the War National Roadshow

Pete Stevenson, otherwise known as Pete the Poet, an anti war activist for over forty years has embarked upon a national tour in support of the Stop the War Coalition to raise awareness of the dangers of the British bombing campaigns in the Middle East, the need for...

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Sexism in Schools – The Shocking Truth

Sexism in Schools – The Shocking Truth

The headline article in the Morning Star of December 12th highlighted what many of us in education had feared for some time, that over one third of girls have been sexually abused at school. Evidence from the National Education Union and UK Feminista exposed the...

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Refugees – Do We Care?

Refugees – Do We Care?

Imagine being forced from your home. Without warning you must step onto a boat and leave your country and all that you hold dear. After days of travel you finally arrive in a strange land. You have no ties to this place and are completely reliant on the generosity and...

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LGBTQ+ Pride in Somerset

LGBTQ+ Pride in Somerset

Pete Stevenson tells a positive story of a community who fought back after a hate crime. It was a sunny afternoon in July and two young women sat on a beach in Watchet Somerset near to their homes holding hands. It was a new relationship and they were in love....

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Patriarchy in Two Year Olds?

Patriarchy in Two Year Olds?

Pete Stevenson is a teacher and former headteacher who runs cultural diversity and gender equality story telling projects in nurseries and pre schools. He is concerned that the behaviour of the youngest boys shows signs of emerging misogyny. It's a cold start and I'm...

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Music for Peace

Music for Peace

Exeter Sings No To Trident! Pete Stevenson reports on day of hope for a better world Exeter CND put on a fantastic event last weekend at Exeter City Football Club. Music for Peace featured over thirty musicians, dancers and poets who performed free of charge to over...

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Extinction Rebellion

Extinction Rebellion

Who are Extinction Rebellion and how can they help to bring about environmental change? Pete Stevenson reports on a public meeting in rural Somerset. It was a packed but rather odd meeting. The main speaker spoke for an hour and was followed by another who spoke for...

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Equality & The Creative Curriculum

Equality & The Creative Curriculum

Racism is alive and well in the West Country but sadly the creative curriculum in schools is not. Both issues concern Pete Stevenson who, as Pete the Poet, delivers creativity workshops in schools to celebrate the values of cultural diversity and race equality. As a...

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Education Progress

Education Progress

Education – How are we doing? Pete Stevenson is a teacher and former head teacher with 37 years' experience in primary, secondary and special schools. He currently runs an equality and diversity creativity programme in schools. Education has been a hot topic for as...

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Don’t Look Up

Don’t Look Up

A Netflix film review. This is a disappointing science fiction film with a powerful message, presented as an analogy of the dangers of climate change. An asteroid is heading for earth that, on contact, will kill us all. Two scientists played by Leonardo DiCaprio and...

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Creativity in Schools

Creativity in Schools

Creativity is at the heart of a healthy society. I work as a teacher in schools promoting the values of cultural diversity and race equality through inter-active storytelling workshops and it’s great to feel part of ongoing projects to challenge racism which is sadly...

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