Imaginative, multi-sensory learning through creative action in pre-schools

Storytelling workshops that give children culturally diverse experiences – ‘stories from around the world.

The workshops deliver several aspects of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.

Equal opportunities

Every child is included, valued and seen as unique. Girls and boys share active roles.

Communication and language

Rich language opportunities are offered within highly interactive story based activities. Children listen and respond as individuals and as a group and are asked to solve problems and answer how and why questions; What can we do now? Where do we go from here? How can we solve this problem? The interactive nature of the work means that the direction of the stories is handed to the children at key moments.

Physical development

Children are engaged in co-ordinated and controlled movements when enacting a story or singing and playing percussion instruments. They play and explore, motivated by a have-a-go spirit.

Understanding the world

The stories and percussion instruments come from India, Africa and Eastern Europe. Within the stories several countries are visited and references are made to geography, food and music.

Personal, social and emotional development

Children feel empowered and express a positive sense of themselves and others. They are encouraged to respect other cultures and understand others’ feelings.

Expressive arts

Children are introduced to a number of dance and drama conventions.


The work has evolved since its start in April 2016 and is adapted for all pre school and nursery children. School readiness is seen as a key value for four year olds but the work is also of great value for two and three year olds. Over one hundred settings have experienced the workshops with excellent feedback. For example; “Our staff were so enthused by Pete’s sessions. It was a perfect training session”.

Ask Pete about other aspects of his pre-school work. He runs training workshops for Early Years’ practitioners and writes articles for educational magazines. He has over 30 years’ experience.