Care home creative therapist
Pete’s unique work in care and nursing homes has been described as ‘uplifting and remarkable’. Water colour painting combines with reminiscing poetry to give residents highly valuing experiences.
High levels of creative success are achieved using a relaxed, Impressionist style, with residents working according to their abilities. The sessions are highly inclusive and designed for everyone to enjoy.
In a positive and relaxed atmosphere, Pete engages participants in conversations stimulated by the subjects of the artwork. For example, beach holidays, a walk in the countryside, changing seasons and beautiful sunsets prompt the poetry which is written in partnership with Pete. Some examples of poetry are shown below.
Creative packages
Pete leads a project which creates uplifting, personal parcels of art and poetry for older people who are isolated and are likely to feel lonely. Each package contains a letter of friendship, an original water colour painting and matching poem. Contact Pete if you know of anyone who would like to receive this unique free gift.
The Seaside
At the seaside – feeling good
Sand in my toes and a chocolate pud,
Strawberry ice cream feeling fine
And if we’re lucky a glass of wine,
Seaweed like a mermaid’s hair
We wander free without a care,
I gently take your tender hand
I know that you will understand,
A cheery song and fish n chips
Kiss me quickly on the lips!
Off to see a comedy show
It a shame that soon we’ll have to go.
Frolicking lambs love the spring
Children play, church bells ring,
Fresh as a daisy the river runs
Dancing to the tune of the rising sun,
A feeling of joyful elation
To cast aside fear and tribulation,
We are lifted with seasonal cheer
Bluebells in the woods, cuckoos in my ear,
A bank of primroses and snowdrops shine
We skip together in this precious time,
The mists float over meadows and farms
We know we belong – we’ll come to no harm,
As the frost drifts away hear the returning birds sing
It’s the melodic sights and sounds of spring.
It was the night before Christmas and all through The Grange…
It was the night before Christmas and all through The Grange
The residents were gossiping about something strange,
They conspired together with mischief on their lips
or a mighty meal of steak and chips,
Sandwiches exploded in the dark winter sky
Everyone cheered, no one asked why…
They all danced a jive, they rocked and they rolled
They spun and they carolled, they sang songs of old,
Everyone tickled and giggled after a sip of fine wine
They all laughed together and had a good time,
They filled long golf stockings with an orange in the toe
They danced with glee, they made patterns in the snow
Whilst skipping in circles, altogether they called
“Festive Greetings – Merry Christmas to all”
December 2022
We love to work with Pete. He connects so well with our residents. They always have a super time.
We love Pete’s creative therapy sessions. He gives our residents such a great experience.
We have worked with Pete for some years now and his work is consistently very good. The residents look forward to his visits and he brings out the best in them, always showing them great respect.
“I haven’t painted a picture since I was at primary school in 1935. I’m delighted with it.”
Rita, 93