Interactive Creative Learning in Primary Schools

Scroll down to see testimonials from schools 

Pete’s stories come from around the world. They are highly interactive as he will hand the direction of the story onto the children to empower the participants. The story sessions use drama techniques rarely seen in schools these days and choral performance poetry is woven into the narrative.

Clothes, puppets and musical instruments including African drums and Hawaiian ukuleles all feature to bring the stories alive. The tales from India, Africa, Eastern Europe, Somerset and Traveller communities give children an expansive view of the world. Using community languages, the stories promote the values of cultural diversity and race equality. Pete also embraces the values of gender equality with the stories often featuring strong female roles, and all costumes are gender neutral.

This work offers great stimuli for retelling, reading and writing activities. Schools often book Pete to support their behaviour policies because of the strong citizenship and PSHE values contained in his workshops.

Children become confident and work well in groups.
They learn valuable lessons and experience the thrill of creative expression.

Pete works with leading members of the black and minority ethnic (BAME) communities to present uplifting sessions that celebrate and educate.

He has been active in the anti racist movement since 1978 and contributed to Rock Against Racism as a performance poet and is currently supportive of Black Lives Matter and Love Music Hate Racism family friendly events throughout the country. Poetry, music, stories and art combine to deliver essential lessons of black history.

At key stage one (KS1), stories from around the world embrace the power of African and Afro Caribbean creativity and celebrate the diversity of languages from around the world.

Key stage two (KS2) workshops focus on the contributions of key figures in the race equality / pro diversity movements around the world such as Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and Malala Yousafzai.

This work is supported by a number of ethical organisations.


Black Lives Matter Family Event
Collett Park, Shepton Mallet, Summer 2020

Watch Pete speak about his anti-racism and equality workshops in schools:

Pete the Poet - Story Teller

Harriet Tubman
A 19th century American slave and abolitionist who escaped her captives to free many enslaved people.

Pete the Poet - Story Teller

Rosa Parks
The American civil rights activist who refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white person in Alabama in 1955.

Pete the Poet - Story Teller

Ruby Bridges
An American civil rights activist who was the first black child to join an all white primary school in Louisiana in 1960.

Pete the Poet - Story Teller

Martin Luther King
An American civil rights leader who was assassinated in 1968 at the height of racial tensions.

Pete the Poet - Story Teller

Nelson Mandela
A South African anti apartheid activist, imprisoned for 27 years, he eventually became its first black president in 1994.

Pete the Poet - Story Teller

Maia Thomas
A current activist in the Black Lives Matter movement in Exeter and throughout the west of the UK.

Pete the Poet - Story Teller

Marcus Rashford
A current UK professional footballer who is also an anti racist and anti poverty campaigner.

Pete the Poet - Story Teller

Malala Yousafzai
A current international campaigner for the educational rights of women and girls.


The children responded brilliantly and engaged well.

Dave Walters

St Mary's Primary School, Tetbury, Gloucs

A fantastic workshop for all children. I was surprised by the high level of involvement of children who so often display behavioural difficulties. Super teamwork and kindness shown to each other.

Mr Bestwick

Year 6 teacher, Westover Green Primary, Bridgwater

It was brilliant. We were totally inspired!

Cathy Woodroffe

Year 2 teacher, Walton Primary, Somerset

Pete wrote a fantastic whole school rap in partnership with our children which will now be a long-lasting legacy.

Michelle Mordue

Deputy Head, Ilchester Primary School

The children were inspired by Pete.

Sarah Davies

Year 3 teacher, Westover Green Primary, Bridgwater

Thank you Pete for the fantastic inspiration. It was very special. 

Kveta Waterman

St Francis Catholic School

Brilliant day- children and staff loved the sessions. They learnt a lot and we will be booking further days with Pete for later in the year. It was everything we had hoped for!

Mark Lunn

Headteacher, Wellspring Primary School

The children very much enjoyed his workshops.

Victoria Bridgeman-Sutton

North Cadbury Primary, Somerset

The SEND children were especially well engaged.

Louisa Ennals

Year 5 HLTA, Westover Green Primary, Bridgwater

Pete presented an engaging workshop with lots of fantastic opportunities for the children to expand their vocabulary and use their imaginations.

Kathy Barnes

Year 6 teacher, Westover Green Primary, Bridgwater

An inspiring day. The children talked about their experiences with Pete all day and the staff were so grateful. 

Clair Halstead

Head, Churchstanton School

We all enjoyed and engaged in Pete’s brilliant sessions. He impressively motivated reluctant writers.

Dan Glentworth

Headteacher , Kingfisher Primary, Yeovil

A truly magical day.

Sally Sandiford

SENCo, Castle Primary School

“I was blown away by what he did. He has changed the way I teach English. We will have him back anytime.”

Steph Janas

Year 6 Teacher, Long Sutton Primary School

Children were so engaged with the activities. Discussion was open and all children were made to feel comfortable. It was amazing to see children ‘be children’ through play and drama.

The sessions were fantastic! It would be great to have a follow up activity to revisit the learning.

Pete is an amazingly talented and creative man who really brought out the best in all our children.

Manor Court Primary School

It was fantastic!

Megan Forshaw

TA, Westover Green Primary

Poetry written with pupils

Somerset Bridge Primary Bridgwater
Year 5

We are special – so unique, I’ll play with you every day of the week
The food you cook smells oh so good! Try a little taste? Yes I think I should
You’re a special friend to me, together we’re strong, together we’re free,
It’s fine is you dance to a different beat – I like the way you talk as you walk down the street,
You can cheer for any team you like – you in your wheelchair, me on my bike
Everybody dance and shout, we say racism kick it out!

Holway Park Primary Taunton
Year 4

We won’t laugh at the style of your hair, learning together, playing fair
Don’t judge a book by it’s cover, we’re all sisters and brothers
Boys and girls everywhere, I like what you say, I love what you wear
I will never call you names, I will always heal your pain,
Boys and girls black and white, we will never cause a fight,
Let’s have a celebration and share it with every nation
We know that bullying is always wrong, we should always get along
Don’t judge me by the colour of my skin, let’s throw racism in the bin
We will shine our diamond lights, at our school we’re alright!

St. George’s Primary Taunton
Year 6

Don’t judge people by their race
Let equality set the pace,
Keep your beliefs strong and true
I’ll respect your point of view,
It’s not clever to get into fights
Don’t discriminate against others’ rights,
I like curry, I like pasta
I like all foods cos I’m a rasta,
All skins are good, white, black or brown
So together let’s take racism down.

Come on people don’t you know
Diversity is the way to go,
Respect cultural understanding
Look for Fairtrade on your branding,
Let’s put a stop to poverty
Share wealth for equality,
We’re against child exploitation
Education, education,
Islam, Hindu, Christianity
Live together in unity,
Jews, Sikhs and Buddhists too
We’re not so different me and you.

I don’t care if you’re rich or poor
At the end of the day we use the same door,
Stand up be proud, confident and brave
We’ll all end up in the same sized grave.

Equality will always win
It doesn’t matter about the colour of your skin,
Tandoori, hot dogs or lamb tagine
Let’s celebrate our different cuisine.

Life is full of variety
Let’s celebrate diversity!

Student Teachers Ilminster

There’s many cultures on the earth
Each one is valued – know your worth
Embrace them in your community
Live a life in unity

Gender, religion, culture and race
It doesn’t matter about the colour of your face
Embrace them in your community
Live a life in unity

Class and gender, culture, race
All these matters we embrace

Let the children’s voice be heard
Listen to their every word
Being fair and being kind
Include all people, don’t be blind

Equal opps and equal rights
Let’s keep these within our sights
Democracy, a vote for all
Prejudice – knock down the wall

You don’t have to be rich to be my friend
You don’t need to be cool so don’t pretend
It doesn’t matter if you’re black or white
We can all play together – alright

Our race, our culture, it’s part of who we are
Embrace diversity and love one another
It’s simple really, let’s all get along
Sing together our equality song

Singing loud, singing proud
We all live in one big crowd

People, people everywhere
Diversity is good and it’s good to share

Castle Cary Primary
Year 3

Celebrate, celebrate bang your drum!
Dance in the rain and sing in the sun!

Think of the kids who live on the street
Show respect to all we meet,

Sikh and Hindu, Muslim too
You learn from me, I’ll learn from you!

Levi Roots, Bob Marley too
Marcus Rashford for me and you

The Caribbean is where you want to be,
So much to do, so much to see,

Laughing children having fun,
Our Pete the Poet rap is done!


In 2022 and 2023 Pete was nominated for the prestigious national Blair Peach Award by the National Education Union in recognition of his anti-racist work.

“The children had two days of fun, laughter and engagement and we know that when learning in this way messages and concepts are more likely to stick and become concrete. The children have been asking repeatedly for Pete to return and staff have said, ‘why can’t every day be like that?'”

Michelle Mordue, Deputy Head – Ilchester Primary School